Tuesday 21 June 2011

Second Week

Monday 20th
After staying in bed for a lot of the weekend, getting up at 7 again was pretty brutal, as was getting back on the bikes! Played basketball with the kids at lunch which was fun but very sweaty and needless to say I sucked at it. Getting outplayed by a bunch of 7 year olds was not one of my proudest moments! Also not cool was the fact that it started monsooning the minute we left the school and dried up as soon as we got home...ah well at least i didn't need to shower!

Tuesday 21st
Gave the parachute its first outing, played number and colour games with the P1, P2, P3...they enjoyed it a lot but I'm not sure the younger ones really knew what was going on! Had another game of basketball although it was abandoned fairly quickly as it was really too hot to do more than sit around and sweat. Finally met Suvanna, she seems really nice although we all had a bit of a panic when we were summoned into the director's office - felt like naughty kids! Had a couple of hours of quality sunbathing (read complaining about the heat and getting disgustingly sweaty) before heading out for tea with Kitty. We were given directions but ended up cycling aimlessly around town for a while until he spotted us and pointed us in the right direction...at which point i got stuck behind the slowest truck in Thailand, lost everyone and had to wait for Rosie to come back and rescue me. Tea was nice until Kitty decided to eat one of the chillis out of the soup and I, 2kw1 chilki queen, couldn't let a challenge like that pass. Bad idea! Oh well one day I'll learn. Spent a couple of hours in the internet cafe waiting out a fairly impressive thunderstorm.
Ok scrap that, storm lasted all night and featured a powercut during which we tried to convince ourselves that we actually weren't going to be murdered in our beds...

Wednesday 22nd
Slept really badly which resulted in being still fairly comatose by the time lessons rolled around at half nine. Bum hurts from the bikes and back hurts from a total lack of comfy seats! Got the P5s to write letters to be given to the kids back at Anstruther Primary. Arranged to meet up with a friend of the director on Sunday morning which pretty much buggers up our plans to go to Kanchanaburi. She's going to take us out to see the sights around Ang Thong which should be nice though.

Thursday 23rd
More letter writing with the P6s. Teaching P1 and P3 animals which involved making a lot of masks and covering the classroom in bits of paper...how is it possible for kids to make so much mess? Played parachute with P6 although most of the girls decided to stay inside and cry...no idea what was wrong, they couldn't or wouldn't tell us. Had a nap as it was too cloudy for sunbathing, sob!

Saturday 25th
Moaned about the lack of sun, finished my book and did generally bugger all! Got woken up by Rosie who thought a ghost was moving the clothes she was drying...we totally weren't scared!

Sunday 26th
Got taken on a tour of Ang Thong by Wasana, a friend of the school director. Went to see the big buddha and several temples. Fed some giant fish and accidentally killed a turtle...oh dear. Saw an elephant show in Ayutthaya which was wrong in all sorts of ways! Had a wander around the ruins of the ancient royal palace which was very pretty.

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